Who am I? That’s a good question. For as long as I can remember, I always loved to read, write, and draw. And I love movies. And listening to people’s life stories. Preferably over bottomless cups of coffee or tea.
This podcast and website is my way of trying to put all the things I love together: words, images, and moments with interesting people.
Fifty-plus years ago, I was born in Korea. I grew up in Los Angeles, and then lived and worked in Boston, New York, London, Seoul, and Portland.
Along my meandering path––from childhood, college, and the rest––I somehow got incredibly lucky to meet some very special people. I decided to make a podcast memoir by sharing some of my personal stories with friends (old and recent), as well as with people I was curious to know more about.
I hope you’ll enjoy this storytelling-memoir-journey.
December 2022
Send us a note. Or a voice memo. We’d love to hear from you.